Handle: **Arcade Hero**, Arcade \\ Twitter: [[tw> 💀Arcade Hero💀|@arcadehero]] \\ PixelJoint: [[pjp>46978]] \\ Birthyear: 1993 \\ Country of Origin: Russia Arcade Hero is a professional pixel artist from Russia, working on the craft since early 2015. He's most well known for his smooth and colorful clustering; "//Since I mainly draw game graphics, I don't use anti-aliasing to make things more readable. I love clean and smooth big clusters. The larger and more interesting the cluster, the better it is. I don't use dithering also. I love to draw spooky stuff and random skulls. [For palettes,] smooth transitions between colors, complementary colors, low color count, high contrasts and saturated colors.//". He lists Toby Dixon, a3um, Slym, Delicious, Zhi Jiang, Adarias, Hunter Russell, Henk Nieborg, Skittlefuck, Yes I Do, and Namatnieks (Nauris) as his favorite pixel artists/sources of inspiration. Arcade is an active contributor to the Pixel Art Historical Society, and is largely responsible for its early outreach. He speaks Russian and English. "//пук//" //**Notable Projects**// \\ - [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/599580/Bob__Bernard_Against_The_Nazis/|Bob Bernard Against The Nazis (Steam Release)]] \\ - [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/588110/One_Dog_Story/|One Dog Story (Steam Release)]] \\ - [[https://singleaproductions.itch.io/fatal-flash|Fatal Flash (Itch.io)]] \\ - [[https://twitter.com/WaywardMira|Wayward Mira (in Production)]] \\ //**Notable Minor Projects**// \\ - Co-founder [[https://vk.com/pixelartists_ru|Red Pixels]], post-USSR countries/worldwide pixel art community. \\ //**Collaborations**// \\ - [[https://pixelation.org/index.php?topic=24336.0|Pixelation Secret Santa 2017]] \\ - [[http://jamierollo.com/pd/yearbook.html|Pixel Dailies Yearbook]], 24th June, 2018 \\ - [[https://pixelation.org/index.php?topic=31210.0|Hexquisite Corpse Collab IV (incomplete)]] \\ - Red Pixels Collab I \\ - Red Pixels Collab III